Monday, May 17, 2010

Washington Governor Gregoire Visits Commuter Cars

Governor Gregoire visited last Friday for most of an hour. She made some very bold statements about the potential of the Tango. Hopefully investors will understand its potential as well as she does. Following is a short video of her reaction


Monday, May 3, 2010

More on the Tango and other Automotive X-Prize Teams from Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports conducted 3 tests for the Automotive X-Prize Shakedown event at Michigan International Speedway; zero to 60 acceleration, braking, and a double lane change. The Tango is included in this Consumer Reports' video showing acceleration, and blew some minds.
Unfortunately, the Tango went through the evasive maneuver so quickly that Consumer Reports didn't get to the other side of the track fast enough to video what I've heard was the fastest time through the double lane change. We did, however, get video of it. As you can see, this maneuver is rather unremarkable for the Tango.

Yuan Dao of Elite Power Solutions in Phoenix Arizona, supplier of the LiFePO4 cells and battery management system used in the Tango for these events, took these videos. The following is of the Tango on the 40 mile endurance run which it completed much quicker than any other car in the group.
